Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Muscles are fibrous tissue that bonds move your body, guard posture, and the Functioning of the Internal Organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and bladder. The functions were performed by three types of muscle (right), in which the muscle framework the most part.
Muscles are controlled by signals from the nervous system. Framework muscle can be consciously controlled, whereas other muscles work automatically. Most muscle framework, linking the two adjacent bones. One end of the muscle bound with string bending fiber network, called the tendon, while the other end attached to a tendon or a related network. Muscles not only move the framework of the body, it also helps keep our posture when standing, sitting, or lying down. Name some muscle to show their function. Extensors to straighten the joint, bending the joint flexor, adductor moves toward the body member, Abductor move away from the body's limbs, and establish or erektor to hold parts of the body. Some of the muscles described in the framework of the left side of the picture and the muscle is located more outside listed on the right.