Here we will provide simple steps for you who want to add these widgets to display your blog, simply copy and paste the following code.
Make sure before you change your blog theme, it's better to save his theme codes first in a file so when things happen that do not want or you change your mind, will easily restore the previous theme.

1. Click the Appearance => widgets, and then click on the Text widget and named as you wish
2. After that copy and paste the following code into that section:
Blogger - Google Translate:
1. Click Layout => Page Elements => Add a Gadget and select HTML / Javascript
2. Add the following code into that section:
1. Click Layout => Page Elements => Add a Gadget and select HTML / Javascript
2. Add the following code into that section:
After successfully making changes to your theme, please see the look of your blog if it's changed at will or not. Good luck!
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